1. Be a Generalist
2. Be a Specialist
3. Become a T shaped manager
4. Become an Entrepreneur
Generalists are those who could do anything. Jack of all trades & master of none.
Specialists are those who specialize in an area. The risk being if the skill is not in demand then you may not be able to find a job. It could be specialized on a domain or industry or skill. A good example is the specialized airline industry jobs.
T shaped managers are those who specialize in a particular area/business but can collaborate & connect across the organisation, thus creating value through this approach.
An entrepreneur is one who works like an entrepreneur within a company, takes initiatives & risks to innovate, create & deliver new ideas for the business.
Startups need entrepreneurs today who can think new ideas & translate them into reality. They can also help them pivot quickly.
MNCs need T shaped managers who can unlock value for the organisation by breaking silos.
So the question remains is the era of generalists over? What about specialists?
In the last 2 years most of the people who lost their jobs were generalists (doing everything) or specialists (doing something that is no longer in demand).
The best strategy that worked for me in large organisations was being a T shaped manager, it benefited both me & my organisation. I was able to work across an organisation.
In startups being an entrepreneur helped me grow both the startup & myself.
What do you think?
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