1. Those who complain often 2. Those who find faults often 3. Those who are jealous of others 4. Those who don't learn/change fast
We are the average of the people whose company we keep.
Interestingly I have been in all these 4 types & hence my life was stuck most of the time.
People who complain often are blaming other people & situations. They lack taking ownership of their life. Let us call them escapists.
People who find faults often are those who distract everyone well by moving the focus to others. But the real problem is with them. Let us call them distractors.
People who are jealous are those who feel bad about themselves, they are also greedy. They are forever unhappy about themselves. They are negative. Let us call them greedy.
People who don't learn & change fast are those who are stuck. They like to stay in their comfort zones. Most of them are living in the past. Let us call them laggards.
We attract people just like us.
Where are you stuck? Who are you attracting?
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